Tag: agriculture

Afternoon in the Delta: Hogback Island, Ryer Island and Miner Slough

Berrenda Mesa: Corporate agriculture

Paso Robles … an explosion of grapevines

Fear not for your salad: The Salinas Valley is growing things

Wanderings through the San Joaquin Valley, part 2 of many … San Luis NWR, San Joaquin River, the Merced River and wherever …

Traveling north along Sacramento’s Garden Highway

A field of sunflowers
Agriculture in California’s Coachella Valley
‘Measure, measure, measure’ seems to be the mantra for the Coachella Valley Water District, who are rightfully proud of their water efficiency and management and eager to show the difference in farming methods that differentiate them from their neighbors to the south in the Imperial Valley. I’ve toured through the area twice on tours; it’s…
The Heidrick Ag History Center in Woodland, California
When I visited Sacramento in March (see post below), the continuous rain and flooding problems made my planned trip into the Delta a wash, so instead I drove out to the Heidrick Ag History Center in Woodland, California, just 15 minutes from downtown Sacramento. Home page readers, come see what’s inside the museum by clicking…