Tag: State Water Project

San Luis Reservoir and the O’Niell Forebay
I’ve a long list of photoblog posts to do – on agriculture, the Salton Sea, Keeler, and a trip to Parkfield to view more of the San Andreas Fault … look for those in the upcoming weeks. I’m going to continue working on the backlog with these pictures around the San Luis Reservoir joint complex…

The Big Lift: A photo tour of the State Water Project’s Edmonston Pumping Plant
The Chrisman Windgap Pumps
Another Southern California iconic water infrastructure landmark are these pumps, visible on I-5 around Tejon Ranch. The Chrisman Windgap Pumps lift the water about 800 feet up to begin to cross the Tehacahpis to deliver water into Southern California.
The Feather River Canyon, California’s SR-70
California’s SR-70 crosses northeastern California, from the Nevada-California border to just outside of Chico. I traveled it for the first time this summer. If you have a chance to travel this route, take a day and do it! It’s definitely worth it.
Bus tour of the Delta
I was going through my photo files the other day and came across these pictures of the Delta from a tour; I always meant to do a slideshow, but … well, let’s just say I got sidetracked. So I went ahead and put all my pictures from the Delta into this lengthy post. This is…