Sorry for the lack of postings lately. It’s not due to a lack of material, but rather I am taking an intensive five-week course on photography. Finally, I’m going to learn how to work my camera! This is my project from week 2, a photo composition on trees.
Home page readers, click “Read the rest of this page” to see more pictures.
The job was to try and take 100 different pictures of your subject, and then submit your top ten. We were required to run our cameras in manual mode, adjusting the shutter speed and aperture ourselves, something I’d never done before. This is my submitted ten pictures.
Here are my honorable mentions:
Good for you. Can never be done with improving your craft. But our stuff is already pretty good, so make sure your lessons don’t mess up the refreshing directness of your work.
I’m no photographer. I like the one of the symmetrical green vegetation. But all I’m qualified to say is Oooh! Pretty pictures! No, really. They are.